17 Nov 2017

How To Use d3 with Angular

Angular is a feature-rich application framework, and d3.js is an effective visualization library. In this post I’ll be walking through how I use the two together

Wrap it in a Component

The visual aspects of an Angular application are organized into components, and so d3 code ought to go into component code. The rules I follow when doing this are:

  1. All d3 objects and functions that don’t need to be re-initialized every time the visualization has to update should be created in the constructor. This includes things like d3.scaleLinear() and d3.forcedLayout().

  2. Inject the ElementRef of the component so you can use it to append and set up the <svg> element inside the component’s markup.

  3. Set this.svg (or whatever you want to call the reference to the base d3 <svg> element) inside of ngOnInit.

  4. Create a debounced render function which contains your d3 rendering logic. I like to debounce it so that multiple calls to it do not overwork the browser or cause weirdness in animations.

  5. Call the render function created above in ngOnChanges.

Here is an annotated “pie chart” example of a component written in such a way:

import { Component, OnInit, OnChanges, Input, ElementRef, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import * as _ from 'lodash';

// this interface is specific to this example
interface IMetric {
  key: string;
  color: string;

 * Declare the component like any other angular component
  selector: 'pie-chart',
  templateUrl: './pie-chart.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./pie-chart.component.scss']
export class PieChartComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit {

  // These inputs are specific to this pie chart example but you
  // could have any inputs related to what you're visualizing
  metrics: IMetric[];

  datum: any;

  // This will hold the main <g> element inside the single <svg> of this component.
  // Still trying to work out the right way to handle types, `any` is fine for now.
  private svg: d3.Selection<SVGElement, {}, null, undefined> // TODO: better type signature
  // This is a debounced version of the real render function (this._render), to prevent render thrashing
  // Also add the hostlistener for window resize events if that is relevant
  private render = _.debounce(this._render);

  // In this example, we need a d3.arc function. We will
  // initialize this in the constructor
  private arc: d3.Arc<any, ISliceDatum>;

  // All d3 functions and objects that don't need to be re-initialized on every render should be
  // created here. In this example, just this.arc falls under that category.
  // Also note that this.element is getting injected here. It is the root element for this component.
  // We are going to use this in ngOnInit.
  constructor(private element: ElementRef) {

    // Set up scales and d3 functions here.
    this.arc = d3.arc<any, ISliceDatum>()

  // Use this lifecycle hook to initialize the svg element where all
  // the visualizations go.
  ngOnInit() {
    this.svg = d3.select(element.nativeElement)
      .classed('piechart', true);

  // You will want to call the debounced public render function
  // whenever changes are detected, assuming changes of @Input
  // values should trigger a re-render. You can of course be more
  // granular with what triggers render.
  ngOnChanges() {

  // This is where the actual render logic resides. This should look like
  // normal d3 usage that you see in most d3 examples.
  private _render() {

    // create the data to bind
    let total = 0;
    let sliceData: ISliceDatum[] = this.metrics.map(metric => {
      let value = mu.getValue(metric, this.datum);
      let offset = total;
      total += value;
      return { metric, value, offset }
    let toRadians = Math.PI / total;

    // This updates the d3.arc function
      .startAngle(d => d.offset * toRadians)
      .endAngle(d => (d.offset + d.value) * toRadians);

    // assign the data
    let slices = this.svg
      .data(sliceData, (d: ISliceDatum) => d.metric.id)
      .style('opacity', 0)

    let newSlices = slices.enter()
      // etc..

    // MERGE NEW
    slices = newSlices.merge(slices);

      .attr('fill', (d: ISliceDatum) => d.metric.color)
      // etc.



Certainly there are likely other approaches to working with d3 and angular, but so far this has worked for my use-cases. Feedback is welcome and appreciated!
